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The recent Presidential election results have improved the US’ standing in the eyes of more than half of international students, according to new research conducted by international education specialists IDP Education in February 2025.

According to the study, which surveyed over 1,000 students from 43 countries, 52% of respondents indicated that their perception of the US had improved following the election. In contrast, 26% of respondents reported that their perceptions of the study destination had declined.

This sentiment varied significantly by country, with only 27% of Chinese students reporting an improved perception.

The research highlights that the quality of education remains the most significant factor attracting international students to the US, followed closely by the availability of scholarships and financial aid.

Simon Emmett, Chief Partner Officer at IDP Education, said that these factors have historically driven interest in studying in the US and that they will continue to play an influential role in solidifying the country’s position as a leading study destination.

“In recent IDP Education research we have seen evidence that the US is benefiting from evolving policy environments in other leading markets like Canada and Australia,” said Emmett.

“As other markets become more unpredictable, international students are more willing to invest in the high quality and reputable education available in the US. Given this, there’s an opportunity for the US international education community to come together and highlight the wealth of opportunities available to students in the market.”

Overall, students felt the US’ economic stability, the safety of citizens and visitors and future career prospects in the US will improve under the new government, although, again, this shifted depending on the students’ home countries.

Emmett said the variances in how international students perceive the study destination is a reminder that international students are not one homogenous group.

“International students have very different motivations, ambitions and concerns when it comes to studying abroad. The findings remind us that there is no ‘one size fits all’ message for international students across the globe.”

Findings from the research also warned against the reintroduction of travel bans if the US wants to attract the brightest talent to its universities and workplaces, with nearly two-thirds of respondents indicating that their perceptions of the US as a welcoming destination would slightly or significantly worsen if such travel bans were implemented.

Emmett said IDP Education hopes the government will listen to the research findings which come directly from international students.

"This research is crucial for advocacy. With the US media in overdrive, it's our responsibility to promote the voices of international students choosing the US as the destination to transform their lives through international education."

US Post-election Survey of Prospective International Students

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CP- Image - Person- Elle Butler
Elle Butler10 March 2025