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At the end of last year, we featured an article on Türkiye as a student source market to the UK. We considered the state of Türkiye’s economy, how this may impact on student demand and which global study destinations are most in demand among Turkish prospective students.  

Our IQ data subscription tools, which collectively track 100m annual visits to our global student websites, show that London is the most in-demand global city for studying among prospective Turkish students. Despite this high demand, destination countries like Germany and the US see more Turkish students enrol at their universities each year compared to the UK.  

The challenge for UK institutions is therefore to convert the existing high demand from prospective Turkish students to applications and enrolments. In this article we’ll follow on from our last article and explore how universities can achieve this.

Understanding what attracts Turkish students to the UK 

We spoke to Esengul Kercin, IDP’s Senior Digital Marketing Executive for Türkiye, to unpack what Turkish students prioritise when researching their study-abroad options.   

High quality of education: Offering some of the world’s top-ranking universities, the UK is a highly desirable destination for prospective Turkish students.  Esengul says that Turkish students are drawn to the UK’s academic excellence and the globally recognised degrees it offers. Domestically Türkiye offers high ranking university options to local students, but often it’s more cost effective to study abroad.   

Proximity to Türkiye: One of the main reasons Turkish students choose the UK over other popular English-speaking study destinations is because of its close geographic proximity to Türkiye.  While the US currently attracts many more Turkish students than the UK does, the drawcard of proximity is something that the UK should always emphasise in marketing campaigns to Turkish students. Esengul says that the UK’s proximity to Türkiye reduces travel time and costs for students visiting home during holidays, making the UK a more convenient option.   

Post-study work opportunities and career prospects: A key drawcard for Turkish students is the UK’s post-study work visa, allowing international graduates to stay and work in the UK for up to two years (or three years for PhD graduates). Esengul says that these visas offer Turkish students an invaluable pathway to gaining international work experience.  

Begüm Pekmezci Candemir, Head of Marketing for Hotcourses International, adds that post-study visas and career prospects are particularly important considerations for postgraduate students.   

Shorter degree programmes: Undergraduate degrees in the UK typically take three years to complete, and master's programs usually last one year, which is shorter compared to the four-year undergraduate and two-year master's programmes common in the US and Canada.  Esengul says that this appeals to Turkish students looking to enter the workforce more quickly and reduce tuition and living costs.  

Part-time work opportunities: Having the choice to work during term time and holidays is a big drawcard for Turkish students, says Esengul. In the UK international students on a student visa are generally allowed to work up to 20 hours per week during term time. And during the holidays students can work full-time, which not only allows them to support themselves financially, but to also gain practical experience.   

Diverse and multicultural environment: The UK is known for being culturally diverse and home to students from all over the world. This creates an inclusive environment where Turkish students can feel more comfortable. The presence of established Turkish communities in cities like London can also make the transition easier for new students.   

What universities can do to attract more Turkish students to the UK  

Marketing campaigns aimed at attracting prospective Turkish students should focus on the aforementioned factors that draw Turkish students to the UK. Universities should therefore highlight academic excellence, rankings, graduate outcomes, internship and part-time work opportunities and the shorter duration of courses compared to other key English-speaking destinations.   

Begum adds that something else universities can do to attract Turkish students is to provide letters that prospective students can use to support student visa applications for full-time courses. She says, “Turkish people are currently having many challenges obtaining visas to go abroad, including long queues and appointment delays of up to a year, letters to support student visa applications would therefore be a big support to Turkish students.”  

Esengul’s advice for how UK universities can attract more Turkish students includes highlighting financial assistance. She says, “Many Turkish students are concerned about the cost of studying abroad. Highlighting available scholarships, bursaries, and financial aid, available to Turkish students, can make a significant difference.” Other key factors to attract more Turkish students is to showcase alumni success stories by Turkish graduates who have studied in the UK, highlighting the quality of life and safety, and engaging more with parents.   

Recruiting Success: A Concluding Strategy

Türkiye should be a priority source market for UK universities. Demand for the UK is substantial and, as a study destination, it ticks many boxes for Turkish students.   

The UK will always have the advantage of proximity over other key English-speaking study destinations. Not only does this aid Turkish students financially but it also gives them a sense of being closer to home. In addition, vibrant Turkish and international communities in the UK also create a sense of belonging. As a starting point, these factors are incredibly compelling and difficult to replicate elsewhere.   

Furthermore, universities should leverage other key factors that are important to prospective Turkish students in their marketing and recruitment strategies, including scholarships, alumni stories and post-study work opportunities.  

Work with us 

IDP has a strong presence in Türkiye with six dedicated and trusted student counsellors supporting prospective students from Türkiye to study in the UK. We also work with universities in the UK to help them engage with and attract the right Turkish students for them. Get in touch with us to find out more about our Core Partner packages and how we can help you reach your marketing and recruitment objectives.   

CP - Image - Franki
Franki Clemens04 March 2025