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About the event

IDP Education UK is proud to be a partner of the Not Another HE Conference on 4-5 March 2025 in Liverpool. 

The two-day conference provides a unique event experience for university marketing/communications and recruitment teams to discuss and explore sector and market insights, career development and more. 

Annually it hosts over 100 delegates to meet and discuss opportunities, challenges and pressing topics impacting higher education with proven methods from institutions as well as other sector powerhouses.  

IDP insights at the conference

IDP’s Director of Marketing (Domestic B2C), Emma Bridge, will be speaking at the conference on the session “I can’t afford to go to University” - Navigating this narrative in student recruitment communications.

The session will focus on how the cost of living is affecting prospective students planning to go to university and how this is crucial for universities to look and reassess their cost-of-living messaging and campaigns. What are the benefits of using cost of living calculators? What do students and parents worry about the most? And what is the role of the sector when it comes to the cost of living at university? 

To learn more or to sign-up for the event, follow this link. Follow for the latest domestic student recruitment and marketing research and insights

Find out more about the event

For more information about the India UK Education Conference and to book tickets, visit the event website here:

Find out more about the event