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Meet members of the IDP partnerships team at the 2024 NACAC Conference from September 26-28 in LA!

Stop by Booth 1100 or schedule a meeting:

Adam Julian - Partnerships Director

Sarah Mackey - Senior Partnerships Director - Strategic Initiatives

Attend our Solutions Showcase:

Saturday, September 28 | 9:30am - 10:15am

Global Solutions for Local Challenges: How International Student Enrollment Can Mitigate the Demographic Cliff

The American higher education enrollment landscape is at an inflection point: there are fewer domestic students enrolling in undergraduate and graduate programs, the strategies of engagement and types of partnership have multiplied, the student journey is less predictable, and students are questioning the value of higher education. Let’s talk about it.

Our expert panel will explore how HEIs can utilize international student recruitment as a strategy to alleviate the challenges posed by the demographic cliff. Using data from IDP’s latest Emerging Futures 5 research, we’ll take a comparative look at international student perceptions and drivers, share lessons learned from other major destination countries, and propose evidence-based solutions to increase and diversify your international enrollment.


Sarah Mackey - Senior Partnerships Director - Strategic Initiatives, IDP

Clay Hensley - Consultant, International Higher Education

Jody Glassman - Assistant Vice President of Enrollment & University Admissions, Florida International University

Song Hoffman - Director of International Admissions, University of Delaware

Daniel Marschner - Director of International Admissions, Loyola Marymount University