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A booming population, widespread English language skills, and other unique circumstances have made Kenya an increasingly vital source market, with a worldly and enthusiastic cohort. In order to understand Kenya’s potential, it’s important to recognise the nuances across its student population. What does the contemporary Kenyan student look like? What courses do they prefer? What do they prioritise in their studies?

In our latest report, we will draw upon data from Emerging Futures 4, IQ Demand+, and other external sources to unpack the factors influencing prospective Kenyan students, and how institutions can focus and strategise their recruitment efforts, and build better pathways for this thriving cohort.

Key themes explored in the report include:  

  • The demographics and educational climate of Kenya

  • The characteristics of contemporary Kenyan students

  • What Kenyan students most want from their studies, including switch factors, part-time work allowances, and post-study work rights

  • How institutions can promote to prospective Kenyan students, particularly through the ICESS method and penetrating digital spaces

Understanding Kenya as a Source Market: Africa’s Rising Star

Download the full report

Vincent Dwyer
Vincent Dwyer30 November 2023