After over 25 years of putting students first, we wish a fond farewell to Bernard Kingston
Insights on the UK Postgraduate demographic and predictions for postgraduate recruitment during COVID-19
Students need to know exactly how a course is going to be delivered to make their higher education decisions
Insights from a webinar exploring UK Student attitudes and behaviour data amidst Covid-19.
The world may be forever changed by COVID-19, but UK student demand seems resilient to disruption
Peer to peer recommendation remains the most powerful marketing tool
Has COVID-19 resulted in a permanent drop in UK student interest in higher education?
Students begin researching undergraduate courses 18 months or more before submitting their applications
Clearing is changing in student perception, in student use, and in how HE institutions need to approach it.
What real outcomes can we expect to see from this announcement?
Dr Erik Lithander shares his thoughts on Brexit, the UK's position globally, and UK government policy
We’ve made our real-time data available to institutions through our new Insights division.