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Modern India is one of the most diverse countries in the world, a subcontinent home to over 100 languages, over 700 different tribes and every major religion in the world. India’s diversity is reflected in its religions, ethnicities, and customs across a population of 1.4 billion people. Yet many institutions often fail to consider the full diversity of India in their recruitment strategies and treat it as a homogenous market.

Our latest report explores the complexities of this vast and diverse nation. We encourage institutions to treat India as a continent, not a country, in order to maximize recruitment potential and foster student success.

Using real-time IDP IQ demand data and insights from on-the-ground experts, the report takes a deep dive into the distinct regions of India and explores often-overlooked opportunities and strategies for diversification.

Key themes and topics covered in the report:

  • Challenging assumptions about recruiting in India

  • Subject and region-level demand trends

  • Marketing strategies to achieve diverse Indian enrollments in terms of region, subject, and study-level

  • Insights from on-the-ground experts

Understanding India: A vast and richly diverse country, with students from many different cultures and backgrounds 

Download the report
Jane Venn
Jane Venn11 September 2023